Automate Text Messages With Channel Automation: How To Automate SMS Text Messages

September 23, 2022
Tricks of the Trade

Benjie Malinao

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Automating your texts makes it simple to send out hundreds of messages per day without having to worry about anything else. It also saves you tons of time because you won’t have to manually type each message out yourself. But how do you go about automating text messages? Well, you can either hire someone else to do it for you, or you can learn how to do it yourself.

Text messages are a great way to get in touch with prospects and customers. They’re cheap, fast, and effective. But sending automated texts can be a headache.

In this post, I will teach you exactly how to automate text messages using channel automation. And once you understand how to do it, you can easily scale it across multiple platforms.

Automatic Text Messaging

Text messaging is a powerful tool for reaching out to prospects and customers. But most businesses still rely on manual processes to send messages to their contacts. This means that when a prospect or customer needs information, they must call or visit your office. And that costs time and money.

That’s where marketing automation comes in. An effective marketing automation system allows you to send targeted text messages via phone, SMS (short message service), and email. These messages are sent at times and dates that work best for your business. They’re personalized because they include contact details and relevant content. And they help you reach out to your customers when they need you most.

Marketing automation systems also enable you to schedule emails and texts automatically. So instead of manually sending them once per day, week, month, or quarter, they go out at pre-determined intervals. This saves you time and increases response rates.

And since many marketing automation platforms integrate with CRM (customer relationship management) applications, you can use this data to personalize and improve your outreach efforts.

An effective marketing automation platform gives you the tools to automate every aspect of your sales process. From lead generation to appointment setting, from nurturing to conversion, from post-sales support to retention.

The right marketing automation platform lets you automate these steps, so you can spend more time growing your business and less time managing it.

When deciding which type of automation software works best for your business, consider the following factors:

  • How often do you need to automate messages?
  • Do you need to schedule the messages?
  • What kind of content do you want to send?
  • Are you sending messages to multiple users?
  • Is your messaging system integrated into your CRM?
  • Does your messaging system integrate with your website?
  • Can you customize your messages?
  • Will you be able to access the automation software from anywhere?
  • How easy is it to configure?
  • How customizable is it?
  • How does it compare to other solutions?

Once you decide which type of automation software is best for your business, you can start setting up your automated messages.

Two types of automation

Scheduled and triggered. Scheduled automation runs automatically at pre-defined times. Triggered automation runs whenever certain conditions occur. For example, you can create an automation that sends an automatic reminder to someone after he or she hasn’t checked the link you have sent via SMS or email for certain times.

Scheduled automation is ideal for sending appointment reminders. They let you easily manage multiple appointments at once.

Triggered automation is useful for sending automated emails, calls, texts, and other communications. They allow you to trigger an action whenever a specific condition occurs. For example, you can create triggered automation that sends an automated email or text to someone, when he reads your email or submits a form from your website.

What is Channel Automation?

Channel Automation is an omnichannel automation platform which lets you automate your business processes using text messages, email, phone call (IVR), Messenger, Slacks, and WhatsApp. You can schedule these automations based on any event like time, date, location, and user’s action.

It has a built-in scheduler where you can set up multiple schedules and trigger them automatically. It provides a simple interface to manage your entire workflow and with Channel Automation, you can easily set up your own personal CRM system to track customer interactions, manage leads, nurture them through various stages of sales funnel, convert them into customers, and provide them with relevant information about your business.

You can easily integrate it with CRM system such as Salesforce, LeadPerfection, Slacks, Hubspot, Google Apps, Gmail, Twilio and 15 more integrations

Our texts, emails and chatbot solution can help maximize conversion to get:

  • Set and Confirm Appointments
  • Installation Schedule
  • Answer Questions
  • Automated Scheduling
  • Send Reminders / Notifications
  • Bulk Messaging
  • Outbound/Inbound IVR

Channel Automation Features

  • Multi-Channel Chatbot
  • Built VRs with our Voice Flow
  • Drag & Drop Visual Flow Builder
  • Centralize Inbox & Livechat
  • Build a Chatbot in Google
  • Business Messenger

SMS Drip Messages

SMS drip messages will automatically be sent to people who subscribe to your SMS marketing program. Drips allow you to automate a series of texts that will go out days, weeks, or even years after the person signs up.

Segment filters make drip text messages even smarter if you specify a set of criteria that people must meet. An example could be whether they provided their phone, clicked on a link, or made a purchase.

Regardless of how complicated or simple the drips need to be, our service makes it easy to set them up.


When someone texts a unique keyword to a short code or phone number, a text message autoresponder is sent back to them. They are the simplest and most common SMS automation tools They are fully customizable and sent immediately after a keyword is texted.

Typically, autoresponders are used in SMS marketing and mass texting to confirm subscriptions. When someone joins a text messaging list, they receive an automatic response thanking them for joining and usually providing some additional information. You can send information-only autoresponders to people looking for information about specific topics by creating hundreds of keywords.

Ways To Send Automated Text Messages

The great news is that all of our features are easy to set up and allow for a deep level of customization, which makes them great for automating your SMS and omnichannel marketing campaign.

How and Why Businesses Are Using Text Automation 

Text automation allows businesses to create automated messages that go out to hundreds or thousands of contacts at once. This saves them tons of time and effort, allowing them to spend more time focusing on growing their business instead of sending emails manually.

There are many types of text automation tools available today, including email autoresponders, SMS messaging services, social media management software, and web forms. Each tool offers its own unique set of features and benefits.

Here are some advantages of text automation:

1) Save Time – Most text automation platforms allow users to schedule automatic messages to be sent out at any time. They’re perfect for small businesses who need to send out weekly newsletters, monthly promotions, and special announcements.

2) Grow Your subscriber List – Sending personalized messages to subscribers helps build trust and loyalty between you and your clients. The more personal you become, the better chance you have of building long-term relationships with your clients.

3) Increase Conversions – Personalized messages help convert prospects into paying customers. People respond differently to each type of communication, so it’s important to test different methods to find out which ones work best for your business.

4) Reduce Costs – Text automation reduces the amount of time spent managing your email list. Instead of having to manually update your database every day, you can automate this process through your text automation platform.

5) Improve Customer Service – Customers appreciate receiving timely responses to their questions and concerns. Text automation makes it possible for companies to quickly answer common inquiries and resolve issues.

6) Boost Reputation – Having a responsive customer support team is essential to maintaining a positive reputation among consumers. However, most organizations struggle to keep up with the volume of incoming requests. Text automation lets you scale your customer service operations and free up staff members to handle more pressing matters.

7) Build Trust – Consumers are increasingly turning to online reviews when making decisions about where to shop and eat. Companies that offer great customer service tend to receive more favorable feedback than those who neglect their customers. Text automation gives businesses the opportunity to show off their stellar customer service skills.

8) Increase Sales – Studies show that people are more likely to purchase items after reading a review or recommendation from another person. So, by offering a quick response to customer complaints and questions, you give your company a competitive advantage over others.

9) Create Loyalty – Once you’ve built a relationship with a client, it’s hard to break it down. But, by providing exceptional customer service, you can encourage repeat purchases and referrals.

What’s So Great About Automated Text Messaging?

Mailchimp, a marketing automation platform, reports an average open rate of 21.33%. If customers are unlikely to open or read emails, why would businesses send them to them? Text messages, however, are opened by about 98% of recipients.

As a result, small businesses are increasingly using automated text message services. With automated text messages, you can send mass messages to your customers, much like you would with email, but via text instead. You can also use this technology to automatically send messages to individuals.

In summary, text messaging has proven itself as one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience. It allows you to reach your target market in a way they’re already used to receiving information. And, because it’s easy to set up and manage, it’s a low cost option compared to other forms of marketing.

How Do You Get Started?

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