Hello From Channel Auto!

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Ray eckhaus

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As we start getting ready the fourth quarter, it’s time to think about ways to streamline communication with your audience. It’s vital to plan early for the new year, without losing sight of the last few months of this year. For some industries, business booms right before December hits, which can make it difficult to keep up with a sudden influx of activity. For others, things seem to move at a crawl.

Regardless of how a customer base changes this time of the year, the last thing a business owner wants is to lose customers simply because they can’t meet demand or keep attention through the slow period. Regardless, it’s important to boost engagement through a variety of digital channels. Now is the best time to offer promotions, reach out to clients, and grow a rapport that will boost your sales going into the new year.

How can this be done?

Email blasts are quick and easy ways to inform customers of news and updates, and don’t necessarily require a response. Text messaging meanwhile opens a two-way conversation between a company and its clients, both growing the image of and trust in a business. For further information, see how text marketing can help grow a brand’s image.

While these are the two main methods of marketing to clients, it’s far from the only one, and it’s all too easy for a small business owner to feel lost or overwhelmed when trying to keep up with all the marketing channels of the digital world. Social media, search engines, and blog posts are all different and important ways to market a business of any size.

Fortunately, there are countless tools available to improve rapport and grow a business, even if they don’t have a huge presence in the digital market. Channel Automation enables business owners to reach out to their customer base without needing to be on the phone 24/7, whether it’s answering questions, announcing a promotional event, or simply wishing everyone a happy holiday season.

Don’t wait to start planning. Say Hello! with Channel Auto.

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